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Ultra Gory Cinema Zombies thru the Decades

By udradmin00

Know your roots! Zombies haven’t always been the blood spattered, dismembered, super gory shambling corpses we know and love! Why, back in the day they were just gaunt and pasty freshly resurrected dead folks! They really burst on the Hollywood scene in ’68 with Night of the Living Dead, but they’ve always been around. Always will […]

NPR advises on how to love the Zombie Apocalypse

By udradmin00

Even that sole bastion of sane reporting and unbiased coverage, NPR, has its share of opinion on the zombie apocalypse. Zombies and the zombie mythos, it seems, are great teachers. So why should we love the Zombie Apocalypse? Because, like all good mythologies, it’s trying to tell us something really, really important. The fact that […]

Say NO to drugs! Fake weed will zombify you!

By udradmin00

As if today’s youth didn’t have enough to worry about, what with zombie attacks, slow websites, expensive lattes and high gas prices, now weed is taking a hit. That is to say, FAKE weed. Washington, D.C. has a problem with fake weed, a legal but dangerous substitute to the real stuff. Similar to bath salts, […]

Emergency Alert System hacked to warn of zombies!

By udradmin00

Whenever the zombies decide to rise from the dead, get infected, or break out of their secret government bunkers, a warning system might be nice. It turns out, the Emergency Alert System will be the perfect announcement. Usually reserved for natural disasters or other such end scenarios, the EAS will take over our radio and […]

College class to bring in zombie experts

By udradmin00

Continuing education is important. Your brain will be your best weapon (and most delicious morsel) in the zombie apocalypse. IF you can find a class, forum, or lecture, TAKE IT! Residents of Casper, Wyowing have just such a course at their disposal, led by experts in their respective fields. Experts on zombies will give lectures […]

Live the Zombie Apocalypse this weekend in Elgin IL

By udradmin00

By now there are fewer than 60 days remaining for this mortal coil. This may very well be our last Halloween celebration ever that isn’t full of the walking dead. Beyond 2012, it’s all a muddy gray mess of zombies, apocalypses, survival and sadness. What better way to celebrate the end of the world than with a zombie […]

Zombie Apocalypse 2012 Swiftly Approaches

By udradmin00

 One year left. Z-Day. 2012. The Mayan zombie super-apocalypse. Sensational journalism. Paranoid survivalists. Gun nuts. People out having fun. Boy scouts taking their preparedness to the next level. If you can be ready for this, you can be ready for anything. 2012 and the end of the world has been discussed at length here (dozens of […]

CDC Readies America for Zombie Preparedness

By udradmin00

If you can be prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you can prepared for almost anything. At least, that’s how the line of thinking goes. If one can have all the food, water, shelter and materials to survive a complete lack of human civilization, one should easily be able to survive a tornado, hurricane or flooding. […]

Potential Zombies in the News

By udradmin00
zombie removal van

It would appear the government has been less than secret when it comes to zombie removal. (Stimulus Money Funds U.S. Dept. of Zombie Removal (Pic)) Minneapolis Appeals Court Rules Zombies Have Right To Free Speech ‘They slowly lurched down the halls and said things like, “Get your brains here.” Everything was going great until the […]

Real Zombies Ignored by Media around Halloween

By udradmin00

No Halloween tricks here, only treats. Keen readers will note that suspected zombie activity exists, and is often overlooked by the press. Man punches suspected zombie, flees IOWA CITY, Iowa Iowa City police are investigating an early morning assault [on October 26th] in which a man accused another of being a zombie, then punched him […]